10 January 2012

How to...

How to build muscle
1.Who am i - Student
2.what is it - Muscle
3.what for - Nice body shape and healthy
4.1st task - Exercise
5.2st task - Healthy Food
6.3rd task - Time management
7.outcome - Muscle grow
8.showcase - Gallery

How i make her happy
1.who am i - author
2.who is she - girlfriend
3.what for - valentine day
4.1st task - buy valentine present
5.2nd task - cook a delicious cabonara spagetthi
6.3rd task - decorating thee table
7.out come - how we spend valentine day
8.showcase - Gallery

How to become a human zombie
1.who am i - student
2.what is it - wake up at the night sleep in the morning
3.what for - Night life
4.1st task - Online,games,movie
5.2nd task - Hang out with friends
6.3rd task - Assignment at the night till morning
7.Out come - Human zombie
8.showcase - Gallery

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